Animal Hospital of Park Glen
Dental Care
Kickstart your pet’s good health!
The statistics are staggering, 85% of pets over the age of 3 have some form of dental disease. Like humans, pets need regular dental care. Good oral health is important for maintaining healthy teeth and gums, but it is also extremely important for the overall health of the pet. An infection in the mouth can lead to infection throughout the body, which can cause illness. Poor dental hygiene can lead to pets having kidney, heart, and liver disease.
Additional dental services that our hospital provides:
Oral surgery
Dental Disease
Poor oral health is a condition that can very easily be managed and even prevented. With knowledge, understanding, early intervention, and routine care, your pet’s mouth can be a place free from disease, infection, and pain. Indications that your pet may be experiencing problems from dental disease:
Bad breath
Difficulty eating
Demonstrating pain when chewing food or when touching pet’s mouth
Excessive drooling
Red or inflamed gums
What is included in having your pet's teeth professionally cleaned?
Pre-anesthetic evaluation/assessment by a veterinarian
Placement of intravenous catheter
Fluid therapy during procedure
Full mouth dental radiographs
Probing (assessment of gum disease)
Ultrasonic scaling (removal of tartar build-up)
Fluoride treatment
Administration of pain medication
Complimentary nail trim
Home Dental Care
Taking care of your pet’s teeth at home is easier than you might think. There are many products available to make the job easier. The first step is to identify which type of home dental care product will work best for you and your pet.
Tooth brushing
Oral rinse
Chews (specially formulated for oral health)
The general rule of pet home dental care: Good to chew, better to rinse, best to brush!